Thursday 13 October 2016

Russia Topaz Blog

Tuesday 12th October 16 

Our first excitement today was a visit to a local radio station Mrningwith Marina to meet the presenters Sergei, Max and Natalia who has been involved in Russian girl Scouts with Marina.
Volgograd FM 3/4 morning show.

We had been provided with a set of possible questions but had to go with the flow when these were changed as we went along!!
One of the questions asked was had we had any funny experiences.  Susan related a very funny story of her climb into the top bunk of the Train!!!!

Listeners were calling in throughout the interactive programme. And later in the day people were stopping us in the street to tell us they had heard us, we were almost famous for a day !

If you would like to hear the programme go  

Most of us had a chance to answer a few questions with Marina translating for us.  
We finished the session by singing campfires burning  -  in a round!! to cheers and applause from the presenters.
It was a really great experience all the presenters were really friendly and welcoming.  

We climbed the 200 steps to visit Mother Russia !  Who stands tall over Volgograd, then took the metro to visit the war museum where the story of the Siege of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) took place in 1943.  91% of the city was destroyed and this was demonstrated graphically.  We all found it an emotional experience.

We ended the day on Skype to Judy in UK.

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